Monday, February 20, 2012

Monogamous or Magnanimous

The burning question that every male asks and reasks is, "Is the male species, by nature, monogamous? Was man (and woman) meant to cling (or cleave) to one partner for their entire life? or are we fighting human nature by inventing an institution of partnership that was (perhaps) a survival technique that is now antiquated. Okay maybe not every male will admit to asking this but I have asked this question more than once so that is good enough for me.

What's the diff? I suppose it doesn't really matter in the long run but if I were to know what is my human nature I could then decide to fight it or embrace it. I suppose it would save me the guilt. There are times I am convinced that man is monogamous. Many are the time when my partner and I really compliment one another and I don't mean:

"Oh you look very nice today."
"Why thank you. You are also dressed very smart."

Ech. Yuk

No, I mean that our parenting styles and our family building is complimentary one to the other. There are also plenty of times when I find that my better half becomes my spiritual and emotional compass. The world often confuses me and without the direction she gives me I would be an even bigger babble of blabber. I can't imagine anyone but a life partner could give such rescuing comfort when the going gets rough.

On the other hand the question of who is that partner perplexes me. I don't really believe in the "One" - please no religious tangents. That is to say that there is only one, numerical one, fatefully one, custom soul mate tailored for you. I don't accept that. Sure you can't take two strangers off the street and expect them to match but if I were to believe that there was only "uno" person in the world "right for me" than I would spend my days wondering if I had found them instead of living my days with the person I chose to be with.

It is sort of a life versus love theory. You can search for love as much as you want, but at some point you also have to live the life or do you live the lust?

I mean what is lust anyway? Wait don't answer because you also get a Ginsu knife. Isn't lust one of the more animal aspects of our human nature? Lust provides us with an animal attraction to "compliment" our emotional attraction and I don't mean:

"Oh you look very nice today."
"Why thank you. You are also undressed."

Perhaps lust has received a bad rap. According to one source, one of the definitions of lust is "a passionate or overmastering desire or craving." Why that sounds a lot like love too.

One last comment; if we are meant to be monogamous, than lust is to too ...lusty too unchecked too uncontrolled. If however our nature is more complex, than lust is not a bad thing to desire.


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